Sunday, February 18, 2007

Investor Oppurtunities in Biloxi and Ocean Springs Mississipppi (MS)

The Mississippi Gulf Coast is quickly becoming a vacation getaway area. Investors and developers are begginning to build and develope the local areas into more of resort style community. Instead of new houses or apartments they are begginning to build condo's. Many housing areas that were apartments or hotels before are now condo's; and new developers are building condo's instead of apartments. This is becoming a resort area fast investors, even "The Donald" is planning a hotel and resort area for developement in the near future. I personally know of one deal being negotiated in which two hotels are being purchased for $10 million and converted into condo's. And this is from an investment company out of California. There's another projected that breaks ground next month called Bienville Quarters. For more info on that project check my previous blog on it.

I'm sure investors are wondering why I bring this up. The reason is this, as an investor you need someone who can not only help you locate property but also someone who can recognize the deals. Someone who knows and understands your goals and objectives. I also happen to be a Real Estate Investor in the local area and while not on as grand of a scale as the previously mentioned investments, I do understand the goals and objectives. Please feel free to contact me, I would love to help you.

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